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Correct use and maintenance of refrigerator:
(1) The inclination angle of the refrigerator shall not exceed 45 degrees in the process of handling and placing.
(2) Refrigerators should be placed away from heat sources, away from direct sunlight, in a well ventilated and dry place.
(3) Properly adjust the bottom angle screw or gasket to keep the refrigerator horizontal and minimize the noise.
(4) Separate single-phase earthed sockets shall be used. The patch cord must be grounded. The metal parts of the refrigerator in use
(5) After the newly purchased refrigerator is used for a period of time, it should be cleaned internally, otherwise it will bring adverse effects to the food (clean it with clean water after washing it with warm water and a little detergent). The compressor and condenser shall be cleaned frequently to ensure good heat exchange effect and energy saving effect. When cleaning, remove the power plug.
(6) Keep the condensate outlet of the refrigeration room unobstructed.
(7) It is forbidden to store inflammable, explosive, strong acid and strong alkali in the refrigerator. (8) Refrigerators that are not automatic defrosting should be defrosted regularly, which can maintain good refrigeration effect and save power.
Some experiences in power saving:
Refrigerators should be kept away from heat sources; The compressor shall be well ventilated;
Correctly select the position of temperature controller; When the food temperature is higher than room temperature, it
should be cooled to room temperature before putting it in; Food should be wrapped or covered with plastic bags to
prevent water loss and frosting; Try to reduce the number and time of opening doors; Put fresh food in the freezer at one time, and do not exceed the specified quantity; Try not to open the door or less in case of power failure; You can melt frozen food in the freezer.
Precautions for handling and placement of refrigerator:
(1) During handling, the bottom shall be lifted, and the door handle or box door shall not be grasped to apply force, and the box shall not be dragged on the ground.
(2) the maximum inclination angle of the box shall not exceed 45 degrees, and it shall not be inverted or placed horizontally, otherwise the compressor will be damaged or the refrigerant oil in the compressor will flow into the refrigeration pipeline, affecting refrigeration, and it is easy to cause the compressor to spring off.
(3) During transportation, collision and violent vibration shall be prevented, and rain and water immersion shall be prevented.
(4) It shall be placed away from heat source and in a ventilated and dry place to avoid direct sunlight.
(5) A space of at least 30cm shall be reserved on the top of the refrigerator, and a space of at least 10cm shall be reserved on the back and both sides to facilitate heat dissipation.
(6) It shall be placed on a flat and solid ground and the compressor shall be kept horizontal. This is not only for safety, but also to make the compressor work smoothly and reduce vibration and noise. If the ground is uneven, adjust the adjusting foot to make the refrigerator level
(7). It should not be placed in the environment of flammable, explosive and corrosive substances. At the same time, do not place such items inside.
(8) Do not place heavy objects on the upper part of the refrigerator to prevent objects from falling due to the opening and closing of the door and causing injury to family members.
Precautions for refrigerator maintenance and cleaning:
(1) The refrigerator should be cleaned regularly (at least twice a year). When cleaning the refrigerator, first cut off the power supply, dip a soft cloth in clean water or detergent, gently scrub, and then dip in clean water to wipe off the detergent.
(2) In order to prevent damage to the coating and plastic parts inside the box, do not clean the refrigerator with washing powder, decontamination powder, talc powder, alkaline detergent, Tianna water, boiled water, oil, brush, etc.
(3) When the accessories in the box are dirty and dirty, they should be folded down and cleaned with clean water or detergent. The surface of electrical parts shall be wiped with dry cloth.
(4) After cleaning, firmly insert the power plug and check whether the temperature controller is set at the correct position.
(5) When the refrigerator is not used for a long time, unplug the power plug, wipe the box clean, and close the door after the box is fully dry.
Causes and elimination of peculiar smell in refrigerator:
After the refrigerator and freezer are used for a period of time, it is easy to produce peculiar smell in the box. This is mainly caused by the spoilage, protein decomposition and mildew of the stored food residues and liquid residues left in the box for a long time. In particular, the stored fish, shrimp and other seafood are more likely to have an unpleasant smell.
Methods to prevent odor generation include:
(1) Food, especially fruits and vegetables, should be washed with water, dried in the air, put into clean fresh-keeping bags, and then put on shelves in the refrigerator or in fruit and vegetable boxes for storage.
(2) Those that can be frozen should be frozen. Foods that need to be stored in the refrigerator for a long time and can be frozen for a long time, such as meat, fish and shrimp, should be stored in the freezer, not in the freezer to prevent deterioration.
(3) When storing foods with viscera, such as chicken, duck and fish, the viscera must be removed first to avoid visceral decay and deterioration, which will pollute other foods and cause peculiar smell.
(4) Raw and cooked food should be stored separately. Cooked meat, sausage, ham and other cooked food must be wrapped with fresh-keeping bags and placed on a special cooked food shelf, separated from raw food and food with strong smell, so as to avoid pollution with cooked food.
(5) Clean the refrigerator regularly. In the process of use, clean the refrigerator regularly with neutral detergent and refrigerator deodorant. In order to prevent odor in the box, activated carbon can also be used for deodorization. The odor mainly comes from the cold storage room, and it sometimes occurs during defrosting and thawing in the cold storage room. For the peculiar smell from the cold storage room, it can be directly put into the deodorizer or electronic deodorizer to eliminate it. You can also stop the machine to thoroughly clean the refrigeration room. For the peculiar smell in the freezing room, cut off the power supply, open the box door, defrost and clean it, and then remove it with deodorizer or electronic deodorizer. If there is no deodorant, you can scrub the refrigerator liner and accessories, put in half a cup of Baijiu (preferably iodine), close the door and turn off the power supply. After 24h, the odor can be eliminated.
It is not suitable to plug and unplug the power socket during the use of the refrigerator. Reasons:
(1) During normal use of the refrigerator, when the temperature in the refrigerator is lower than a certain value, the thermostat will automatically cut off the power supply. At this time, the high and low pressure of the refrigerant has been balanced, which is smaller than the load compressor, and the motor is easy to start normally.
(2) If the power supply is forcibly cut off, and the power supply is immediately switched on when the refrigerant has a high pressure, the high voltage will cause excessive motor load, and the starting current is more than 8 ~ 10 times the normal value, so it is easy to burn the motor due to excessive current.
(3) When power must be cut off, the power supply should be reconnected after 3 minutes (after the high and low voltage of the refrigeration system reach balance).
Foods and articles that should not be stored in the refrigerator:
Tomatoes: after being frozen at low temperature, the meat of tomatoes is blistered, soft and rotten, or spallation occurs. There are black spots on the surface, they are not cooked, and they have no fresh taste. In serious cases, they are rancid and rotten. Bananas: if bananas are stored in a place below 12 ℃, they will turn black and rot. Fresh litchi: if the fresh litchi is placed at 0 ℃ for one day, it will turn black on the skin and change the taste of the flesh. Ham: if the ham is stored in the refrigerator at low temperature, the water in it will freeze, the fat will be separated out, the leg meat will be caked or loose, and the meat will become stale. Chocolate: after the chocolate is stored in the refrigerator, once it is taken out, a layer of white frost will form on its surface at room temperature, which is very easy to mildew and deteriorate and lose its original flavor. Drugs and vaccines: household refrigerators and freezers cannot store drugs and vaccines. As the storage of drugs and vaccines has strict temperature requirements, the temperature in the household refrigerators sometimes fluctuates greatly due to the influence of the ambient temperature and the amount of food stored, which cannot meet the temperature requirements for the storage of drugs.
How long can the food be stored in the refrigerator:
Fresh eggs: refrigerated for 30~60 days
Cooked eggs: refrigerated for 6~7 days
Milk: refrigerated for 5~6 days
Yogurt: refrigerated for 7~10 days
Fish: refrigerated for 1~2 days, frozen for 90~180 days
Pears: refrigerated for 1~2 days
Beef: refrigerated for 1~2 days, frozen for 90 days
Meat chops: refrigerated for 2~3 days, frozen for 270 days
Sausage: refrigerated for 9 days, frozen for 60 days
Chicken: refrigerated for 2~3 days, frozen for 360 days
Canned food: unopened and refrigerated for 360 days
Peanut butter and sesame paste: can opened and refrigerated for 90 days
Coffee: opened for 14 days
Apples: refrigerated for 7~12 days
Citrus: refrigerated for 7 days
Cooked tomatoes: refrigerated for 12 days
Spinach: refrigerated for 3~5 days
Carrots and celery: refrigerate for 7~14 days
Hangzhou Jinsong Euna Electric Appliance Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved © www.euna. Cn | zhe ICP Bei No. 12036851 -1
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